Why is Cryotherapy
better than an Ice Bath?

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Interested in improving your recovery for enhanced Sporting Performances?
Should you be taking a cold plunge, or can a Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC) treatment be more

The answer is YES to both, but which is better???

WBC and ice baths are both forms of cold therapy where extremely cold temperatures are used. These two techniques may appear similar, though in a real sense, they are vastly different. WBC entails the use of extremely cold dry air (nitrogen) safely flowing around part or the whole at -110 to -120°C. On the other hand, ice baths also referred to as cold water immersions involves immersion of the whole body or some part in a tub containing icy water, usually around 5-10°c for a min 10 minutes to a max of 15 minutes to get the desire physiological effects.


Whole-Body Cryotherapy (WBC)

WBC as the name suggests is
designed to benefit the whole body.
Your body is placed in a controlled
WBC chamber with extremely
cooled dry air ranging from -110 to –
120°C for 2–3 minutes.

WBC for athletes specifically, has
been termed as the best form of
cold therapy for muscle recovery,
and reduction of soreness and
muscle pain by increasing the rate
at which the muscles are repaired.
Thus, promoting naturally healing
body mechanisms and most of all
WBC is more hygienic with less
touch points and no sharing of
contaminated water.

Ice Bath

In an Ice bath, icy water is used
with temperatures ranging
from 5-10°C for about 15–20
minutes. Ice baths are cheap
and readily available as the
only requirement needed is a
bathtub and some bags of ice.
However, you cannot control
the temperature of an ice bath
like you can WBC. Ice baths
have been known to reduce
soreness and inflammation but
not enhance body’s natural
healing mechanisms that
research has found using WBC.

Whole body cryotherapy vs ice bath:
which one portrays more benefits
than the other?

In WBC one is required to take 2–3 minutes in the cold chambers, thus saving time. In an ice bath the time taken in the icy water ranges between 15–20 minutes, this approach is time-consuming and can often result in athletes feeling short of breath and feeling very rigid on exit for several minutes to hours. Furthermore, recent research has found cold-water immersion is not effective in promoting muscle protein synthesis as it hinders skeletal muscle fiber hypertrophy, as well as muscle mass and strength gains.

The answer is YES to both, but which is better???

of Training

In WBC work-out activities
can be resumed 60 minutes
immediately after exiting the
cryotherapy chambers as the
body usually detects a back-
to-normal temperatures and
blood is circulated back to
the peripheral muscles and

In ice bath resuming work-
out activities immediately
is very impossible due to
the congealment of the
muscles. One is therefore
required to rest for a
period of 48hrs to allow
the muscles to regain back
their normal functionality.

Pre or post-workout exercise?

WBC is used for both pre and post-work-out
activities. Prior, the amount of energy needed for the
activities increases rapidly while after cryotherapy
hastens the recovery or reduces muscle pain and

Ice bath is only recommended as an after work-out
strategy to reduce soreness, inflammation, and
muscle pain.


WBC does not pose any risks associated
with hypothermia as the body’s
temperatures remain warm despite
extremely cold temperatures in the
chambers. An illusion is created where
the body believes hypothermia is
inevitable resulting in vaso-constriction
which is a drastic survival mechanism.
The blood is therefore directed to the
core, a move to ensure the organs
remain functional. In addition, the
blood flow to the targeted areas is
reduced which ensures metabolic
processes are halted reducing soreness
and inflammation.

In an ice bath, the wet cold
penetrates deep into the skin
causing the body tissues to freeze
while the muscles congeal which
can easily result in death. Once
immersed in the icy waters the
body detects the risk of
hypothermia causing vaso-
constriction body’s mechanism to
pump warm blood to the peripheral
tissues and muscles to prevent it
from freezing.

Benefits associated with each approach: Cryotherapy and Ice Bath

In WBC other benefits are incurred in the
process which is an added advantage.
During the exercise, the brain triggers
various organ regulatory functions
resulting in the rejuvenation of cells, a
boost of the body’s immunity system, and
an increased amount of energy, adrenaline,
and endorphins that in turn improve the
self-healing mechanisms of the whole
system. Skin, nails, and hair health is
improved due to increased amount of
collagen production, and studies have
found that whole-body cryotherapy can
help treat conditions such as arthritis,
eczema, numb nerve pain, limit migraines,
and more. Ice baths have only been found
to reduce soreness, muscle pain, and

Looking at all the information we
can conclude that ice baths are
easier to access and initially
cheaper, but when it comes to
hygiene and real performance
benefits, WBC is the clear winner
for those who want to take their
recovery and overall physical
performances and mental health
to the next level.


Elevate your season’s performance with Ireland’s , UK’s and Europe premiere Recovery Specialists.

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